Galaxy Interaction
Following the previous post, I think I should clarify what galaxy interaction is. Mice Galaxies Galaxy interaction (galaxy collision) is the result of a disturbance of gravity of a galaxy over another. An example of lesser interaction is a satellite galaxy perturbing the spiral arm of the primary galaxy. An example of further disruption would be a galactic collision. A giant galaxy interacting with its satellite galaxy is fairly common. The gravitational force of the satellite galaxy can attract one of the spiral arms of the primary galaxy. Or the satellite galaxy can even sink into the primary (clear example is the previous post on the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy also known as SagDEG). This can cause a small amount of star formation. The satellite can absorb some of the stars of the primary or the opposite. The collision of galaxies is common in galactic evolution. Due to the extremely thin distribution of matter in galaxies, collision is not proper, but...